Words cannot express the overwhelming gratitude that I have for all of the Staff at St. Vincent Women's Hospital. Without each and everyone of them we would not be the family that we are today. It was their amazing care that brought me to 32 weeks and 3 days of my quadruplet pregnancy with little complication. I was only in the hospital for one week before the birth of my little miracles. The care that I received and that my children received is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. My two boys were home after only two weeks spent in the NICU and Edi followed 3 days later and Sophia another 4 days later. I was an absolute MIRACLE. As my husband and I left that hospital every night without our children there was absolutely NO doubt in our minds that they were being given the best care possible. I well be forever greatful for everyone involved in the care of our family!
Shelly (Sean and Sophia's primary nurse) with Henry Sean Sophia and Edi. |
Dr. Sumner's with 5 sets of quadruplets. |
Edi and Sophia |
Sean and Henry |
There are many other Dr.s and Nurses that we did not get pictures with but I would like to Thank just a few.
Brookie Becca Meghan Sarah Micah Amy Amberlynn Diane Margie and Many Many others that I am forgetting. We love you all and Thank you so much for all you have done for us!