Thank you, Beth, Will, Rod and the Quads, for nominating us for the Beautiful Blogger Award! We are truely touched. It is so awsome to see so many other families with multiples.
Check out Beth's blog at http://bethwillrodandthequads.blogspot.com
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and insert a link to their blog.
2. Pass on the award to about 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are great!
3. Contact the other bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award.
4. Say 7 things about yourself.
Seven things about me?
1. I have been married for almost 14 years, most of them happy! lol
2. I do not like the cold weather, snow, or anything that goes along with cold.
3. I have an awsome family and extended family. I miss them because we moved 13 hours from them last September.
4. I am desperately trying to regain my pre-quad weight. It is very hard.
5. I love the sunshine!! It makes me happy.
6. I cannot wait until Spring. I have lots of plans to take the kids everywhere this Spring and Summer. They will be turning 2 SOON! Halleluia!!!!
7. I love catching up with all my blog buddies. It makes me feel SOOO normal to see other families of mulitples sharing their lives!!!
I would like to pass the BEAUTIFUL BLOGGER AWARD on to:
The King Squad
Stansel Journey
Pollak Family
The Cox Quads
Sathers Learn How to Multiply
The Carlson Blog
Check out these awsome blogs. I know you will love them as much as I do!!!!
Thanks again, Beth! :)