Please pray for our family. Someone kicked our door in the on Monday night and stole my laptop computer. That computer had all of our kids photos on it from birth. We had some of them backed up but not all of them.
We are not feeling very safe right now. Thank God no one was home and nothing else was really disturbed. We are not going home for Thanksgiving so we are going to spend it with just us.
I hope everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving Day remember all that God has blessed you with in the past year!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Grandma is Coming to Town!
I could not have survived the past two years without my mom. I know I do not tell her enough but she has been a constant rock in my life. She is my best friend and I hate being so far away from her but it does make her visits that much more special. Here is a little about my mom.
This is my mom on my laptop while I was in the High Risk unit at St. Vincent Women's Hospital in Indianapolis. Now let me first say that I was only there for one week before my little ones were born but it seemed like a long time. Those of you that know, my back never stopped hurting and I had constant side pain from my big huge belly. She never left my side. She was there to do whatever I needed. Chris, daddy, had to work and she spent every night with me. How do you thank someone like that??
Here is Grandma holding little Sophia. I think she may be just a little proud, what do you think?

Here is Grandma cuddling Henry and Sean when they first came home from the hospital. The boys came home first and because my mom had a break in nursing school she spent every night for about a week with us. We could not have done it without her.

Here is Grandma cuddling Henry and Sean when they first came home from the hospital. The boys came home first and because my mom had a break in nursing school she spent every night for about a week with us. We could not have done it without her.
I love you. I aspire to be a mother just like you. You are so much more than you will ever know. Please know that you touch my life every day. I remember all the dolls you made, the cakes we made, and all the love and compassion you passed on to me. I thank God He gave you to ME, you are my sunshine. Please know that even though we are miles apart. I pray for you daily and you are always on my mind and I carry you in my heart always!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How much are those Babies in the window?
The kids are facinated with our new big window over the couch. This is the only place I can put the couch because if I put it on the other side of the room they climb over the couch and can get out of the fence. So...this is the lesser of two evils.
Sean and Sophia climbing up to look out the window.
Henry trying to climb onto the playroom window. Sorry buddy that is not going to work. Although one day they did manage to push their little picnic table over to the window and climb up. What will they think of next. They are aways keeping up hopping, that's for sure!
Sean standing on the window seal. I hate it when they do this my heart just stops. Little Zowee standing on the couch, maybe she is waiting to save him.
Overall I think the kids like their new house. Mommy is still adjusting. We did lose over 1000 square feet, a basement, and a garage. But we have given a lot of stuff away and are finally starting to fit in our new house. It's not small, it is a four bedroom two bath it is just smaller than we are use to.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
101 Dalmations? Well...5 anyway.
This year our family dressed up as the cast to "101 Dalmatians", yes all of us. I was Cruella DeVille while daddy and the kids were Dalmatians. We didn't take them trick-or-treating of course but we did attend a festival in our new town of Foley, Alabama. It was somewhat fun. We were stopped every two seconds. We didn't win the costume contest, there were a billion people but we did make the newspaper. We were one the front of the Baldwin County section of the Mobile Register. We are no strangers to the newspaper. It was a nice little surprise for us.
Here is our little Henry.
The Big Move
Ok, so this is the big giant pizza that we ordered to entice our family and friends to help us. This is bigger than a card table and barely fits through the front door. It is called the BIG BUBBA.
Instead of using boxes we used many many many many tubs. Oops, I don't think Edi was suppose to get packed.

Hey, Uncle Rick, bring her back she goes on the van not the moving truck.

Papa entertaining the kids. Henry trying to help pack up the tubs. Thanks to papa, Melissa, and Amanda for entertaining the kids while all the others ran around doing last minute packing and trying to load the vans and truck.

My beautiful old house getting emptied. It was very sad to leave our big old house. But we are on to hopefully better things!!!!
Hey, Uncle Rick, bring her back she goes on the van not the moving truck.
Papa entertaining the kids. Henry trying to help pack up the tubs. Thanks to papa, Melissa, and Amanda for entertaining the kids while all the others ran around doing last minute packing and trying to load the vans and truck.
My beautiful old house getting emptied. It was very sad to leave our big old house. But we are on to hopefully better things!!!!
The move went, well...ok. We found out that Sean gets car sick. That was not fun. My mom ended up riding down in the van with me while Chris drove the moving truck and pulled our minivan behind him. Oh yeah he also had our three toy poodles with him.
I ended up stopping to stay in a hotel, in order to wash a carseat, so it took two days. I do not know how many hours it took. seemed like FOREVER. Thankfully now we are in our new home, completely unpacked and trying to find a new routine.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Connected to the World Again! Whoo Hoo!
We are finally connected again. I am so excited. I felt very isolated for the past couple of months. Moving so far from home and having no internet. But we have survived and now it is time for some major updates!!
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